
How to Combat Loneliness for Seniors During the Holidays

Elderly Care Service

The holiday season is the part of the year when everyone tries to be happy and spread positive energy. But for some seniors, it’s hard to hide that they are feeling lonely and isolated recognize loneliness in the elderly. Most people consider seniors lonely when they are living far from family in an assisted living facility and nobody comes to visit them. But in the majority of cases, feeling lonely has nothing to do with being physically isolated. It is about feeling like you are alone in the world even when you are surrounded by people. It is about not feeling like you belong.

For example, the spouse of an individual who is battling dementia can feel lonely as he watches his other half fading away. For people who are looking at their partners changing to the point they no longer recognize, it can make them feel like their spouse already passed away. The emotions that accumulate during this process are usually negative ones.

In situations like this, it is hard to see what consequence this situation has on the healthy partner. So if your loved one is not his usual self, you should look for signs that point to loneliness. The most common ones are too much sleep and lack of interest in activities they previously enjoyed. If you notice this in your loved one, it’s the right time to talk to them about what’s happening and how they are feeling.

How You Can Help a Lonely Older Loved One

It is not easy to recognize loneliness in the elderly. Most people consider seniors lonely when they are living far from family in an assisted living facility and nobody comes to visit them. But in the majority of cases, feeling lonely has nothing to do with being physically isolated. It is about feeling like you are alone in the world even when you are surrounded by people. It is about not feeling like you belong.

For example, the spouse of an individual who is battling dementia can feel lonely as he watches his other half fading away. For people who are looking at their partners changing to the point they no longer recognize, it can make them feel like their spouse already passed away. The emotions that accumulate during this process are usually negative ones.

In situations like this, it is hard to see what consequence this situation has on the healthy partner. So if your loved one is not his usual self, you should look for signs that point to loneliness. The most common ones are too much sleep and lack of interest in activities they previously enjoyed. If you notice this in your loved one, it’s the right time to talk to them about what’s happening and how they are feeling.

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